UAI is at the nexus of utility and analytics, and by partnering with credible, third parties, like independent consultants and industry educators, as well as universities, to develop and deliver training, we are able to create courses on analytics topics in the utilities sector and classes that work for you and your organization, driving valuable learnings on both utilities and analytics, and helping you climb up the utility analytics maturity curve.
UAI is proudly partnering with the following organizations, industry consultants and educators, and research analysts.
The University of Oklahoma Data Science and Analytics Institute (OU DSAI) developed and delivers UAI’s 100- and 200-level continuing education courses. OU DSAI’s key objective is to provide world-class credit, degree-based, and non-degree learning and development offerings.

Sridhar Radhakrishnan has been a faculty member at OU since the fall of 1990. He completed his Ph.D. in computer science from Louisiana State University and earned an MS in Systems Science and an M.L.I.S degree. He completed his B.Sc in Physics from Vivekananda College, University of Madras, India, and a B.S. in Computer Information Systems from the University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama.
His research areas include graph algorithms, high performance computing, computer networks, and computational finance. He has published numerous research monographs and a textbook on Data Structures. He has been a PI and a co-PI on many research grants from state and federal agencies, and industry. He is a member of the ACM and a senior member of the IEEE. He currently serves as one of the commissioners for the computing accreditation commission of ABET.

Sridhar Radhakrishnan
Williams Professor
School of Computer Science
Co-Director, Data Science and Analytics Institute
Interim Associate Dean for Partnerships
Gallogly College of Engineering
The University of Oklahoma
Dave Wells and Mark Peco collaborated to develop UAI’s one-day courses. Mark Peco delivers these courses.
Dave Wells is an advisory consultant, educator, and industry analyst dedicated to building meaningful connections throughout the path from data to business value. He works at the intersection of information management and business management, driving business impact through analytics, business intelligence, and active data management. More than forty years of information systems experience combined with over ten years of business management give him a unique perspective about the connections among business, information, data, and technology.
Knowledge sharing and skills building are Dave’s passions, carried out through consulting, speaking, teaching, and writing. He is a continuous learner – fascinated with understanding how we think – and a student and practitioner of systems thinking, critical thinking, design thinking, divergent thinking, and innovation.
Dave fills many roles in pursuit of his knowledge sharing and skills building goals, including instructor and Education Director for eLearningCurve, Research Consultant at Eckerson Group, and faculty member at TDWI.

Dave Wells
Advisory Consultant, Educator & Industry Analyst
Mark Peco is an experienced consultant, educator, practitioner, and manager in the fields of Business Intelligence and Process Improvement. He provides vision and leadership to projects operating and creating solutions at the intersection of Business and Technology. Mark is actively involved with clients working in the areas of Strategy Development, Process Improvement, Data Management and Business Intelligence. He holds graduate and undergraduate degrees in engineering from the University of Waterloo and has led numerous consulting and integration projects helping clients adapt to fundamental shifts in business models and requirements.
His experience includes real time process monitoring and control, operations planning and scheduling, control center management, plant performance optimization, business transaction control, simulation, and analytics. He has worked in the fields of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence since the mid 1990’s complementing his earlier experience gained in as an engineer working in operations management during the 1980’s.
Mark has integrated his communications skills with his domain expertise to create educational content and deliver courses and workshops for BI and DW Professionals on a global basis for more than a dozen years. He enjoys helping professionals with diverse backgrounds develop common perspectives and share new levels of understanding about complex concepts and subjects.
Mark has worked extensively in the energy sector and understands the business context, operations challenges, and business intelligence opportunities available to help management solve difficult issues and improve operating results.

Mark Peco
Consultant, Educator, Practitioner & Manager
Dr. Nanpeng Yu from the University of California, Riverside developed and delivers “Utility Analytics 301: Machine Learning & Big Data Analytics for Power Systems & Smart Grid”

Dr. Nanpeng Yu received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Iowa State University in 2010. Dr. Yu was a senior power system planner and project manager at Southern California Edison from 2011 to 2014.
He is a Professor and Vice Chair for Graduate Affairs, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of California, Riverside, CA.
Dr. Yu has offered the industry course entitled machine learning and big data analytics for more than 10 times to over 400 electric utility attendees in the past five years.
Dr. Yu received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2006. Dr. Yu also received his M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Economics and Ph.D. degree from Iowa State University in 2010. Before joining University of California, Riverside, Dr. Yu was a senior power system planner and project manager at Southern California Edison from Jan 2011 to July 2014.
Currently, he is Professor and Vice Chair for Graduate Affairs, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Riverside, CA. Dr. Yu is the recipient of the Regents Faculty Fellowship and Regents Faculty Development award from University of California. He received multiple best paper awards from IEEE Power and Energy Society Grand International Conference and Exposition Asia and the Second International Conference on Green Communications, Computing and Technologies. Dr. Yu also received three best paper finalist awards from IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting.
Dr. Yu is the director of Energy, Economics, and Environment Research Center at UC Riverside. Dr. Yu is also a cooperating faculty member of the department of computer science and engineering and department of Statistics. He currently serves as the vice chair distribution system operation and planning subcommittee of IEEE Power and Energy Society and the chair for IEEE Power and Energy Society Working group of data-driven modeling, monitoring and control for Power Distribution Networks. Dr. Yu currently serves as the associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, and IEEE Power Engineering Letters.

Nanpeng Yu
Associate Professor, University of California, Riverside