Utility Analytics 202
Continued population growth, socioeconomic improvements, and technological advancements in the past few decades have caused a significant rise in the consumption of energy and materials. Many utilities find themselves concerned — the volatility of wind and solar power generation, the uncertainty of rooftop solar adoption, and rising gas and electricity prices all pose serious challenges. The modern consumer centric paradigm of transactive energy has changed the traditional load forecasting methodologies, as it evolves and reshapes utility strategies. This training intends to provide a comprehensive introduction to forecasting methods and to present enough information about each method for participants to be able to use them sensibly. Examples and applications from the utility industry, including forecasting with AMI data, are included.
Sridhar RadhakrishnanCo-Director, Data Science and Analytics Institute Interim Associate Dean for Partnerships, Gallogly College of Engineering
Sridhar Radhakrishnan has been a faculty member at OU since the fall of 1990. He completed his Ph.D. in computer science from Louisiana State University and earned an MS in Systems Science and an M.L.I.S degree. He completed his B.Sc in Physics from Vivekananda College, University of Madras, India, and a B.S. in Computer Information Systems from the University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama. His research areas include graph algorithms, high performance computing, computer networks, and computational finance. He has published numerous research monographs and a textbook on Data Structures. He has been a PI and a co-PI on many research grants from state and federal agencies, and industry. He is a member of the ACM and a senior member of the IEEE. He currently serves as one of the commissioners for the computing accreditation commission of ABET.